The Water Campaign

The teams of the Société de Sauvetage, Eau Vive Québec and Canot Kayak Québec are asking for your collaboration in promoting a general public initiative aimed at raising awareness among the Quebec population of best practices on water bodies.
The Water Campaign will take place from May 24 to June 20, 2021.
"The 2020 summer season ended with many tragic incidents on the waterways. The context of the pandemic could explain the fact that more Quebeckers wanted to take advantage of it. Although nautical activities and water are most enjoyable, many indulge in them without being aware of the risks they entail and without knowing the best practices to adopt in terms of safety.Many water-related incidents could have been avoided by adopting safe behavior and increased vigilance on the part of all. " This is why the Lifesaving Society, Canot Kayak Québec and Eau Vive Québec, have been given the mandate by the Ministry of Education to set up a general public initiative to address the issue of safety on the bodies of water in the context of a pandemic. This awareness campaign will be aimed at all Quebecers who engage in activities on, near or in the water. If you haven't already done so, we invite you to follow the Facebook and Instagram pages to be ready, on May 24, to share publications on prevention messages:
Safety is everyone's business! Being able to count on your help in disseminating these messages is essential to the campaign's influence. We thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Reference press release: The teams of the Société de Sauvetage, Eau Vive Québec and Canot Kayak Québec.